On request we also offer special training dates for certain groups - e.g. company training. Interested? Just send an email to training@aeon.de
EMVA 1288 Standard Release 4.0 - Interactive Online Training

Online Training
Special Training Dates
The 1288 standard of the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA) for objective camera characterization is adopted worldwide and makes it easier to compare cameras and image sensors of different vendors. In addition, the standard also evolved to an indispensable tool to shorten development cycles and improve the quality of cameras and sensors. The standard characterizes the devices strictly by physical parameters. It introduces objective criteria for the rating of sensitivity, noise, spectral sensitivity, dark current, nonuniformity and defective pixels. A one-page standardized summary data sheet makes comparisons easy. By the end of 2020, a new Release 4 has come into effect. The course incorporates all major features of the current release, including extended analysis of nonuniformity, non-linear (HDR) cameras, cameras with preprocessing, irradiation also through a lens, and various multimodal sensors (UV, SWIR, multispectral, polarization, time-of-flight).
Aim of Training Course
- Acquire in-depth knowledge about the foundation of the new Release 4.0 of the standard
- Gain experience on the required measuring equipment, optimum set up of the measurements, and analysis of the results.
- Understand deviations of measurements from ideal behavior
- Get practical experience with EMVA 1288 measurements
- Learn how the standard makes camera comparison easy given a target application
- Training offers all required knowledge to be certified as an EMVA 1288 expert (optional 90 minute online exam after the course)
Target Group
Everyone with technical background involved in camera development and/or testing or in need to evaluate the quality and performance of image sensors and digital cameras.
On request we also offer special training dates for certain groups.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Jähne
IWR, Heidelberg University (https://hci.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/dip)
Chair of the EMVA 1288 standardizing committee (www.emva.org)
Language and Course Material
The course will be given in English; participants can choose between English or German handouts of the slides.
Participants need to have a technical background. Basic knowledge of image sensors, digital cameras, and the EMVA 1288 standard is required. This knowledge is, for example, contained in free webinars offered by EMVA, see EMVA 1288 Standard - Webinar Series
€ 590 for industry
€ 520 for EMVA members
€ 320 for University and research institutes
Optional examination to be certified as an EMVA 1288 expert
Examination fee of 250 € for EMVA members and 300 € for non-members will be invoiced by EMVA. Online test in English language lasts 90 minutes. Choose most suitable time in a period of about one week after the course. The required level of knowledge is taught in this course. A successfully passed expert level exam certifies that the holder has acquired all knowledge to perform EMVA 1288 measurements successfully and that he can interpret the measurment results correctly.