The new standard EMVA 1288 of the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA) provides a path to objective characterization of image sensors and cameras. AEON develops turnkey systems that enable you to measure your devices according to EMVA 1288 and to generate data sheets compliant with the standard. Camera measurements are also offered as a service.

Digital Image Processing
This business segment of AEON deals with image processing solutions for various areas in industry and science. The following list of key words illustrates areas where digital image processing is applied:
- Vision system
- Machine vision
- Optical testing, optical inspection
- Quality assurance, quality control
- Image acquisition with image sensor, camera and frame grabber
- Image processing algorithm
- Image sensor and camera testing
- Image sensor and camera characterization
- Camera testing
- Camera comparison
- Standard EMVA 1288
AEON’s portfolio in image processing comprises the following products and services:

Software heurisko®
With heurisko, we developed a development and runtime environment for image processing applications that does neither require special programming skills nor further tools. At the same time, heurisko is open for user-supplied extensions and integration in other software environments.

AEON's training courses related to digital image processing are usually held in German language. But on request all courses can also be offered in English:
- Standard EMVA 1288
- Technical optics for image processing
- Computational imaging
- 3-D image acquisition techniques

Our services in the image processing division relate to two areas. On the one hand, we can measure the characteristics of image sensors and cameras in our laboratory, especially according to the EMVA 1288 standard. On the other hand we develop image processing applications according to customer specifications based on our image processing software heurisko.